Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Benefit "The Porefessional"

As the possessor of annoyingly oily skin, a primer is a must have and I have been struggling to find one that fits my skin perfectly.

I actually bought this for my sister for her birthday back in February after reading the hype on so many blogs, and after I gave her it I had a case of serious jealousy! Thankfully, Charlotte of Charlotte's Obsessions, enlightened us all as to the wonder of BuyaPowa and I snapped one up on there!

And boy I'm glad I did. The packaging is the quirky, girly style we have come to expect from Benefit, and I like the little picture of the action figure inside the box! I almost expected the primer to be that scary turquoise colour of the tube (to aid redness maybe) but was pleasantly surprised to find a nude, silky, half-gel half-cream come out. It smells vaguely fruity but not overpowering, and blends like a dream.

I could really just wear this alone, it makes my skin feel so smooth and mattifies instantly. When teamed with a great foundation (Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation is a current fave), my makeup seems to last all day without looking heavy.

Overall, I'd give this product a 9/10 and would definitely repurchase.

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